• 曾经,以后

  • 状态:高清
  • 类型:剧情
  • 主演:Karl Consiglio
  • 上映时间:2009-10-02
  • 地区:Malta

简介:经过多年的外洋生活,卡尔回到了田园马耳他起头了寻根的过程。韶光荏苒,物是人非,他发明再也不是当初的自己了,也不知是否能真正回到那个叫做“家”的处所。直到他遇见了安娜,这边熟习的地盘上陌生的面孔……Karl returns to Malta after many years abroad and seeks a connection to his roots. But he realises he is no longer the person he once was and wonders whether he can truly return to the place he used to called home. Then he meets Anna, an unfamiliar face in a familiar land...

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