• 小查与寇弟的游轮生活第二季

  • 状态:共39集全
  • 类型:喜剧 青春
  • 主演:Dylan Sprouse Cole Brenda Song Debby Ryan DylanSprouse
  • 首播时间:2009-08-07
  • 地区:美国

简介:The suite life on deck是延续The suite life of zack & cody的剧集,目前第一季已经开始。Ashley也不再参演了。新任的演员Debby也很心爱。第一集就为了加入游艇上seven seas high课程中的比赛而女扮男装出现。Brenda则继续她的无厘头搞笑。Mr.Moseby仍然见了两个小魔鬼会违心的说他心里里始终开心无比。This is the spin-off of the hit Disney Channel Original Series, "The Suite Life of Zack and Cody." The series follows twin brothers Zack and Cody Martin, London Tipton, and Mr. Moseby aboard the luxurious cruise liner, SS Tipton. While on the ship, the kids enroll in a semester-at-sea program, leaving Moseby in charge of the kids on the ship. The ship, owned by London's father, will cruise around the world, with tourists and students attending classes on Deck Eight- the one school that Mr. Tipton believes will make his daughter a better student. While living on the ship, expect Zack and Cody to still have their compass towards mischief

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